Interactive Workshops 2023
Canvas of Life
Coloring into Existence Our Wildest Dreams of Health, Wealth, Physical Safety and Well-Being
Harriet Tubman once said that every great dream begins with a dreamer. She said that we should always remember that we have within us the strength, the patience and the passion to reach for the stars and change the world. And here at the San Francisco Department on the Status of Women, we must admit, we are dreamers.
But dreams like ours and so many like them require a bold and audacious vision. And here is where YOU come in. Because even beyond dreamers, we’re doers. Today’s Summit is a bold and audacious event, bringing together powerful women leaders from across the City, the state and the country, who are busy dismantling the patriarchy and creating visionary changes in politics and government, art and culture and business and tech.
From the fall of Roe to the war in Ukraine, to the all-to-frequent mass shootings on school campuses, to the ongoing impacts of the pandemic, to the Jan 6th attack on our nation’s Capital, for millions of women everywhere, these last few years have proven to be an intense and prolonged period of resistance, tinged with increased pain, fear, anger and trauma. But despite - or perhaps because of - the ongoing threats to and assaults on our health, wealth, physical safety and well-being, we must begin the process of creating and manifesting a new reality, not just for ourselves and our families, but for our communities, our state, our country and our world. Reclaiming the reins of our power and creating an audacious vision for our collective futures starts with taking back control of our thoughts our words and our actions. For here is where the true power resides.
This interactive workshop is all about visualizing and manifesting into existence things like equal access to education, housing and healthcare for all, economic and pay equity, racial and gender justice, reproductive freedom as a basic human right and a healthy, regenerative, thriving and sustainable planet where gender equality and reflective representation are built into the very fabric of our democracy.
It’s time to color and paint into reality our wildest dreams of gender equality!
Few and Far is an assemblage of women who beautify the streets. In a shared commitment to creativity, education and social justice they draw, paint, skateboard and teach all over the globe.
Street art is an international, visual language that ever evolves. A mural is a story and each artist takes her turn in the telling. Using their gifts as totem makers, Few and Far’s reflection of the world is fantastic and distinctly feminine. By engaging our community in our narrative, we seek to foster young imagination, to help the neighborhood’s next generation recognize and channel their creative impulses. This conversation between artists and communities is an ongoing, global project to heal and bring together all peoples.
Keena Azania Romano exercises her creative mind through the exploration of diverse artistic mediums as a way to engage and understand individual and collective purpose. Romano received her BFA from Pomona College then returned to her native Bay Area to pursue a career in the Arts. Her Murals can be spotted from Sacramento, California, to Richmond, Virginia to Oaxaca, Mexico.
Inspired by cultural practices, Romano combines spirituality with urban experience to produce work that draws upon the quest for a greater understanding of intersectional beauty in this world. She fuse traditional native arts with contemporary inner-city techniques to reflect a new language that encourages the healing and empowerment process between community members and their environments. Her style is described as “vibrant and insightful”. She aspires to travel and create a colorful trail of art by exploring the modern Diaspora based on her multi-ethnic experience.
Workshop Facilitator Muralist and Culture Keeper of Few and Far Women Art Collective, Keena Azania Romano

Beyond the March
From Rallies to Reform: Getting Activated and Empowered and Staying Engaged for the Long Haul
Today’s movement leaders understand that success means working at the intersection of organizing, politics and technology. In order to win the future, women, girls and nonbinary people must take an open-source “each one teach one” approach as we continue challenging the patriarchal status quo to bring gender equity to all facets of our society.
Get ready! From live polls to calls to action to speed-date networking with some of the leading advocacy organizations, this workshop will have a little bit of everything for everyone.
Call it Civics 101, Getting in Formation or Battle-Star Galactica. Regardless of the name, this mini boot-camp of sorts will be a knowledge transfer opportunity, empowering folks to step up and equipping them with the information, tools, resources and connections(!) to create individual plans for organizing their communities, registering to vote, getting educated on critical issues and staying active and engaged in the lead up to the all-important 2024 elections and beyond.
We’re all in this together; and with our fragile democracy on the line, now is the time to educate, equip and inspire the next generation of changemakers to step into their power and lead!
In the spirit of democracy and honoring the champions of human rights, dignity, and justice who have come before us, we join in diversity to show our presence in numbers too great to ignore. We stand together, recognizing that defending the most marginalized among us is defending all of us.
The mission of the Women's March movement is to unify and empower everyone who stands for human rights, civil liberties, and social justice for all. We stand together in solidarity for the protection of our rights, our safety, our health, and our families — recognizing that our vibrant and diverse communities are the strength of our country.
We support the advocacy and movements that reflect our multiple and intersecting identities. We call on all defenders of human rights to join us. This march is the first step towards unifying our communities, grounded in new relationships, to create change from the grassroots level up. We work peacefully while recognizing there is no true peace without justice and equity for all.